All posts filed under: My work

Articolo su Cremona Oggi – Cremona dall’estero

My work Una bellissima storia, raccontata con umiltà e con passione. Una vita in viaggio tra paesi e culture. Nepal, Cambogia, Vietnam, Filippine. Una famiglia che, in casa, parla tre lingue. Tutto nel lungo e affascinante racconto di Arnaldo Pellini, 44 anni, cremonese che abita a Dumaguete e lavora nell’ambito della cooperazione e dello sviluppo. «Non tornerei a vivere a Cremona, ma voglio che le mie figlie conoscano la mia città e provino che cosa significhi […]

Just published – Transition management

My work

Here is the introduction and link to an article Arnaldo just wrote with Eddie Borup on management and change in Vietnam. Available at Projects and Profits Transition Management: The Key towards Achieving Results Nothing in this world is as certain as change. At the same time, the search for a definition of `change’ has been taking place for a long time and is still unresolved. The Greek philosopher Aristotle, has said, “change is the actuality […]

Just published in New Zealand

My work

Arnaldo just published a short article on  the role of Buddhist pagodas in dealing with poverty in Cambodia in the development magazine Just Change published in New Zealand. Buddhist aid: Pagodas reducing poverty in Cambodia This article tells the story of the Pagoda Association of Botum, a pagoda that has survived a devastating totalitarian regime to become a source of real poverty reduction in the community. Available in .pdf here (2.3Mb)

Just published.

My work

  Here is the introduction and link to an article I just wrote with Eddie Borup on Management and change in Vietnam. Available at Projects and Profits Transition Management: The Key towards Achieving Results Nothing in this world is as certain as change. At the same time, the search for a definition of `change’ has been taking place for a long time and is still unresolved. The Greek philosopher Aristotle, has said, “change is the […]