Classic cross-country in Lapland
I have grouped the photos from Lapland in a gallery which you can find also here At least one photo a day
I have grouped the photos from Lapland in a gallery which you can find also here At least one photo a day
As every Sunday, I post the photos of the week in the Galleries page of the blog. Thank you for following and for the Likes. At least one photo a day
Here is the full series of the black and white photos from the walks around Niinikumpu in Kitee, Eastern Finland. At least one photo a day
The old center of Cremona on a December afternoon. All photos taken with iPhone Se and edited with Snapseeds.
I took these photos on a Sunday morning, the day after a very heavy downpour that hit Jakarta. It rained very heavily and for a few hours. The lower parts of the city, like this kampung (urban village) in the Kemang area got flooded. It does get flooded at every strong rain, but the one that hit Jakarta a couple of weekends ago was particularly strong. The day after I found people who were tired after a […]