Tailor shop in Kemang Timur

Street photography

There is this small tailor shop nearby where I live in Jakarta. There are three tailors working in it. It is open in the early morning when I bike to work. It is still open when I bike back form work in the late afternoon. Sometimes, it is still open when I go to the supermarket to buy stuff we need for dinner. I do not know why, but the green colour of the walls, the fabric spread across the whole shop, the fluorescent neon lights, the fact that the shop is right on the street, they all remind me of Nepal.

Tailor Kemang Timur

Tailor shop in Kemang Timur

Tailor Kemang Timur

Tailor shop in Kemang Timur

Tailor Kemang Timur

Tailor shop in Kemang Timur

Tailor Kemang Timur

Tailor shop in Kemang Timur

Tailor Kemang Timur

Tailor shop in Kemang Timur

Tailor Kemang Timur

Tailor shop in Kemang Timur