All posts filed under: Sea
To the seaside
We want to go to the seaside for a few days. So I look at the region's map of the Youth Hostels, and I find a hostel a couple of hours by train away in the post city of Yuasa.
18 seconds of sunset in Belitung
[youtube] I took this sequence of photos at sunset on the island of Belitung, on the east of South Sumatra, Indonesia.
Back to some colour at UnaUna!
We travelled to the Togean islands in Central Sulawesi between Christmas and new year. We landed in a small island, off from the main islands of the Togean archipelago, UnaUna. We stayed in a small resort that was opened only a year ago. It is run by a young couple. He is from UnaUna, she is from Tampere (Finland). The wooden houses with the rooms have a Finnish flavour. Maybe it is the brown paint […]
Mountains of clouds
These picture were taken in 2012 in Apo Island, Visayas (Philippines). I was on Apo and in the late afternoon I looked across the strait that separates the island from Negros and saw these huge clouds formations building up along the slopes of Mount Talinis.
Kookoo’s sunset
We returned to the Kookoo’s Nest in Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental (Philippines). Best eco-resort I know.
Dumaguete: coming home?
Coming home? Maybe. It is school break in Jakarta and we decided to come back to Dumaguete for a week. This is a coming home for my daughters who have this city inside them. They arrived here when they were five and three and left with us four and half years later to move to Jakarta. All is familiar here. The small size of the city. The sea touching the Boulevard downtown. The Hayahay restaurant […]
Blue morning
Blue morning at Kookoos Nest, Zamboanguita, Philippines
Summer sunset in Åland
The last stage of our summer trip last July has been a ferryboat ride from Stockholm to Helsinki. We left Sweden at about 4pm and by sunset we arrived at the Åland islands. Not a single cloud. The colours were incredible. Dedicated to my Zia Antonietta.