Arrival in Tortola, Caribbean sea


‘I want my arrival to be a celebration of the past 25 years not, as someone asked recently, “will it give you closure”? What? Closure? That infers I somehow regret or lament the past 25 years. Absolutely not. Were it not for the accident, I would not have met Elaine, had Timothy  or had such a wonderful life so, closure? No. Celebration? Yes. And any tears will be tears of joy not tears of regret or sadness. Life is too short to worry about what “might have been” or waiting for some “miracle cure” for Spinal Cord injury, there’s a magnificent world out there and I’m both honoured and humbled to have had the opportunity to put together this great project; the Atlantic was everything I had hoped it would be and just as I remembered it from all those years ago.’

Words from the blog of Geoff Holt  who arrived today to the Caribdean after sailing across the  Atlantic Ocean from the UK.

Well done Geoff. Drams do become true.